Basics to remember:
- To fill the frame with the moon you will need a very long telephoto lens 600mm +. But it is still worth trying a moon shot for inclusion in other types of shots. (See Ansel Adams' Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941)
- The moon is very bright. Some suggest the "sunny 16" rule for exposure: f/16 at same shutter speed as ISO. Example: ISO = 100 f stop = f/16 Shutter speed =100. There is a "loony 11" rule which uses the same idea but at f/11.
- Keep in mind that atmospheric conditions can make a difference so exposure is something of a trial & error effort. Check and see if your camera will automatically bracket exposure re. - take one normal and one over and one under exposed. if not this is a good time to practice doing this manually as it can be used for most all of your photography.
- Stability is important so use a tripod and hopefully a remote release - and since the moon is moving, OK the earth, check your framing.
A good article on photographing the moon is Getting the Right Exposure When Photographing the Moon.
Thanks for a rewarding day. You folks were great!
– Dolph